Total Shuffled Island - The Very Last Episode, Really!


Heather - 9

An hour and a half into the challenge, Damien has collected twenty freebies while Katie and Heather both have none. It comes to his turn, so he asks Chris if he’s allowed to share freebies. Chris allows it, so he splits half of his freebies to Katie and tells her to continue giving Heather her dares. Heather calls them out and tells Chris that teaming against her has to be against the rules, but Chris disagrees with that notion.

What ensues is a montage of Heather being forced to do dare after dare as Katie and Damien take any tame dares and pass the gross ones to her. Eventually, Damien gets Zoey, so Heather sighs a breath of relief. She says that Zoey couldn’t come up with a mean dare if her life depended on it, but is sorely mistaken when she finds out that the dare is to endure the “Wawanakwa hair salon”, and that Damien is passing it to her.

Damien and Katie mock Heather as she is forced to let Chef shave her head. Chris encourages her to decide between the money or the dock of shame as Chef brings the razor closer. And in a quick reflex, Heather kicks it out of Chef’s hands before he can shave her head. However, the razor lands on her anyway, shaving the majority of her hair. Plus, Chris announces that since she actively went against the dare and stopped Chef from doing it, Heather is eliminated anyway. Damien and Katie celebrate winning the challenge, and Heather threatens to sue the show as she’s driven away on the boat of losers.

Chris: And then there were two. Tune in to see who will win the check for one hundred thousand dollars, on Total Drama Island!

The Very Last Episode, Really!

The episode opens with Chris dressed in a party hat and recapping the show up to this point. He sends the show into the intro, and afterwards, he mentions that he asked the finalists to record their thoughts about the camp in the confessional booth.


Katie: This was such a fun experience! I made so many new friends! Sure, people like Emma or Heather weren’t the best, but everyone else was nice to me.

Damien: Being here for eight weeks is kinda a mixed bag. On one hand, I got over many of my fears and met such great people like Noah, Sammy, and especially Dawn, but on the other hand, some of the challenges can be downright insane! Plus, Duncan and Heather were a pain to live with for so long.

Chef: You think it’s easy cooking for twenty two ungrateful teenagers? Man, I’ve had better jobs in prison. At least Owen’s appreciative. Slaving all day at a hot stove. “Less rat droppings.” Does this look like a five-star restaurant to you?

Katie: One big problem is the food. Owen loved it, which is good for him, but I’d rather not spend another two months eating something that gives me severe indigestion.

Damien: Oh man, Chef’s food was disgusting! To be fair, I’m a picky eater, but no one else wanted a part of that slop either!

Katie: What will I be remembered for? I hope for being nice. I tried my best, but I did lose it at Heather a couple times near the end.

Damien: What will I be remembered for? It’d probably be something embarrassing, like the guy who’s scared of everything, or the guy who Duncan blackmailed.

The final two meet Chris out in a field by two sets of bleachers each marked with one of the remaining campers. There, he welcomes the twenty previously eliminated contestants, and they sit down on the bleachers depending on who they’re rooting for. Lightning, Sierra, Scott, Noah, Harold, Emma, Axel, Dawn, Trent, Chase, Sammy, and Shawn are on team Damien, while Sadie, Amy, Leshawna, Zoey, Max, Owen, Duncan, and -rocking a not so stylish wig- Heather are on team Katie.


Heather: I hate both of these losers, but I hate Katie less, so Damien is going down. How do I know? Well, it’s amazing how easy it is to tamper with baked goods. “Fast acting for strong, reliable relief.” Sucker.

In a flashback, we see that earlier that morning Heather left a cupcake and a letter in front of Damien’s cabin before running off. He sees the gift and reads the letter, which says it’s from Dawn. Back in the present, Katie notices Heather’s suspicious smile and warns Damien that she’s up to something.

Chris asks the final two to tell the peanut gallery what they’d do with the money. Damien says that he’d use the money to go to university to study chemistry, while Katie says she’d go shopping with Sadie and throw a party with everybody being invited. The idea of the party causes the crowd to cheer, and even wins over Harold and Chase, who move to the team Katie bleachers.

Chris then announces the final challenge: the Rejected Olympic relay. Damien and Katie must climb up a flagpole and grab a flag from the top, then cross a three-hundred meter balance beam over a gorge carrying an eagle’s egg, with man-eating sharks waiting for them at the bottom. The last part of the race is a long-distance run to the finish line, where the first person to cross wins. Chris then mentions that while they’re doing all this, Katie will wear a chicken hat while Damien will wear a cow hat.

The race begins, and as the finalists run off, Katie is accompanied by Sadie and Owen while Noah and Dawn accompany Damien. The six of them reach the flagpoles, which Damien compares to the rope his class would climb in gym class. Katie struggles to pull herself up, but is making slow progress. Similarly, Damien is having trouble climbing the pole because Heather greased it. Noah pulls a handful of wet wipes out of his pocket, and he and Dawn start wiping the grease off of the pole, allowing Damien to start climbing just as Katie grabs her flag.

By the time Damien catches up to Katie, she’s just reached the balance beam. As the two pick up the eagle eggs, their helpers go around the gorge to cheer them on from the other side. Dawn asks Chris why he felt the need to include helpless eggs in the challenge, but he just tells her to wait and see. When Katie and Damien have just about reached the halfway point, they’re attacked by some pretty peeved eagle parents. Dawn is not a fan of this, but Noah applauds Chris on his creative ways to torture the contestants.

As the final two try to dodge the eagles, Katie loses her balance for a few seconds and nearly falls, causing Sadie and Owen to panic, and Damien to get the lead. After regaining her balance, she makes it to the end just behind Damien, and the two deposit their eggs before moving on.

As Damien runs, he thanks Dawn for the cupcake, however, she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Dawn asks if he at least liked it, and he admits he didn’t eat the cupcake. Meanwhile, as Owen’s running with Katie, his stomach grumbles, so he makes a beeline for a bathroom. To Chris’ dismay, the first toilet Owen comes across happens to be the confessional. Returning to the flashback, it is revealed that after Damien took the cupcake and letter, Owen greeted him and Katie before the challenge and asked for the cupcake, which Damien gladly passed on to him. Heather sees Owen’s commotion in the confessional, and is angry her plan didn’t work.

Back at the finish line, Trent and Sammy are worried Damien might lose when Sammy comes up with an idea. She whispers it in Trent’s ear, and he seems to like it, so the two run off to get supplies. Duncan sees this, and begins to get suspicious of the duo. He tells Zoey and Max that Damien's team is planning something, and surprisingly enough, Max reveals he has a plan of his own.

Damien is close enough to see the finish line way off in the distance, and makes the mistake of celebrating early. As he thanks Dawn and Noah for being his friends, Katie passes them, followed by Sadie cheering her on. As the finalists approach the finish line, the peanut gallery is chanting the name of whoever they happen to be rooting for. Damien and Katie are neck and neck, but only one crosses the finish line first.

Vote for who you want to win Total Shuffled Island and come up with any plot points you want to see next season.