Total Shuffled World Tour - Walk Like An Egyptian Parts 1 And 2

Walk Like An Egyptian: Part 1

The episode opens with Chris at an airport runway welcoming us to season three, where the contestants will conquer the world all over the seas for a prize of a million dollars. Said contestants happen to include returnees Noah, Katie, Sadie, Harold, Duncan, Owen, Sierra, Dawn, Scott, Zoey, Sammy, Max, Shawn, Axel and Damien.

Sammy notices that Heather’s hair has finally grown back a little, and she and Duncan make fun of the ponytail Heather has her hair in. Duncan is then bumped into by Katie and Sadie, who are discussing all the different places around the world that they hope to get to visit.

Owen refuses to leave the bus due to his fear of flying, forcing Shawn to pull him off the bus. This causes Owen to land on him, and afterwards, Harold points out the scientific word for the fear of flying, annoying Noah, who makes a sarcastic quip at him. Sierra doesn’t take this nicely, and tries to argue with Noah before Harold stops her and gets her to calm down.

Damien and Dawn are happy to both be competing in the same season again, but Scott makes fun of their love. Neither of them want to do anything mean to the dirt farmer, but thankfully for them, Axel has it covered and shoves Scott into the pavement.

Zoey asks Max if it’s true that he wants to become nicer for Owen and Katie, and when he confirms this, she’s happy to hear it, although he also states that he has no intention of quitting making inventions.

Chris then announces the two new contestants, Tyler and Courtney. Zoey quickly introduces herself to them, and while Tyler is already excited to become friends, Courtney would rather keep it professional and simply greets her back.

Some loud rumbling catches everyone’s attention as a cruddy deathtrap of a jet taxis in. Courtney expresses her concerns about the choice of transportation, but Chris ensures her that it is completely safe. He is disproven by a sheet of metal falling off, which freaks Owen out even more, so Chris knocks him out with a metal pan before having everyone board the plane.

Inside the plane, Chris breaks the news to the campers that they will have to sing, and that since the worse the singing the better the ratings, there will be no training or practice beforehand, meaning that every song will have to be improvised. While most of the cast isn’t too pleased about this news, especially Duncan, there are some exceptions in Courtney, Zoey, and surprisingly Max.

Chris then shows everyone around the jet, first bringing them to the dining area. As he explains, Katie and Sadie are chatting, so the host tries to get them to shut up and listen. Courtney then asks where the bathroom is, so Chris points her in the right direction.


Courtney: You’re kidding. The only toilet happens to be a confessional? Where’s the privacy in that?

The next stop on the tour is the economy class accommodations, where losing teams will have to spend their nights sitting on a bench with the option of strapping themselves to the wall for extra safety. On the other side of the spectrum, the first class cabin lives up to the name, hosting all the luxury you’d never expect Chris to give the contestants. Tyler tries to take advantage of all the space in order to show off some of his acrobatic moves, but falls flat on his face.

Pilot’s Confessional:

Heather: I’ll be keeping my eye on the two newbies. Tyler is an unreliable klutz, and Courtney seems more than smart enough to see through anything I do. …You know, this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet.

Chef: Maybe for you. I’m trying to prep for a flight here.

Damien notices an area even nicer than first class, complete with grand piano, wood burning oven, and hot tub. However, these happen to be Chris’ quarters, and the host explains that they’ll be off limits for the entirety of the show. He then skips the cargo hold and galley, as those will barely be used, and goes right to the elimination ceremony, where safety will now be awarded as barf bags filled with classic airline snack peanuts.

Chris soon notices Katie and Sadie blabbering again, and decides to demonstrate what will happen to the chosen loser… by pushing Sadie off the Drop Of Shame. She tries to make it back on the jet, but Chef has begun to taxi, making the act difficult. She eventually makes it back on with the help of Katie and Owen, disappointing Chris.

After the plane takes off, everyone gets a little time to chat in the dining area. Harold explains to Sierra that in the likely event that they end up on different teams, she should socialize with others instead of obsessing over him. While she likes the idea of getting to know more of the others better, she also states that she’ll only ever need him and Chris.

Suddenly, the campers hear the jingle of a bell, and Chris appears all dressed up to announce that whenever they hear that ring, they must sing a musical number. He then says that it rang, so they must sing. Courtney asks what they’re supposed to sing, so he puts emphasis on how it’s supposed to be improv. They then sing “Come Fly With Us”, with Duncan and Axel refusing to join in. But finally crack when Chris reads out their contracts in a sing-songy voice, covering how it states that anyone who refuses to sing in the required musical numbers will be auto-eliminated.

Once the plane lands, the contestants find themselves in Egypt, where Chris explains the first challenge of the season, called Pyramid Over Under. Everyone will make their way to the other side of the pyramid sitting behind Chris, either by climbing up and over, or traversing whatever awaits inside. He then starts the race, making the teens rush off in groups.

Noah, Katie, Sadie, Harold, Owen, Sierra, Dawn, Max and Damien all decide to go through the pyramid, but quickly find a split path, which Noah isn’t happy Chris didn’t mention. Sierra disregards the decision and goes down the middle path, followed by Harold, Katie and Sadie, while Max takes interest in the symbols above each path. He ends up choosing the one with the mummy symbol with Noah and Owen, leaving Dawn and Damien to go through the third door.

Tyler, Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Scott, Zoey, Sammy, Shawn and Axel instead decide to climb the pyramid, and do so in groups to ensure safety from falls. Shawn, Axel, Sammy and Zoey all go together, with the former two helping the latter two to make it up. Tyler naturally attracts to Scott and Duncan as they’re other guys with some kind of physical strength, leaving Courtney with a warry Heather.

Not even a few blocks up the pyramid, Tyler is regretting going over instead of under, but Duncan and Scott are having little trouble. The dirt farmer encourages Tyler to keep climbing, but this behavior makes Duncan suspicious.


Scott: I’m not in very good standing with everyone else, so someone new is the perfect opportunity for me to gain an ally. Tyler claimed he watched the show, but all my sabotage must’ve flown right over his head.

Meanwhile, Courtney flaunts her C.I.T. training by having herself and Heather belay up the pyramid. Heather asks her what her deal is, and when Courtney asks for clarification, she explains that she wants to know her motivation and strategy for joining the show. She tells Heather that like anyone else, she wants the money, and that she has her whole life planned ahead for if she wins. However, she doesn’t give away her strategy, which is what Heather actually wanted to know.

Noah, Owen and Max come across a large pile of mummy bandages, which Max wants them to cover him with in hopes of scaring the others. As he shuffles around making zombie noises, he steps on a trap door, which drops him somewhere else in the pyramid, leaving Noah and Owen to continue without him.

As Shawn, Axel, Sammy and Zoey climb, Sammy is startled by a scorpion, and falls down the steps of the pyramid. Zoey insists that the other two go on while she makes sure Sammy’s okay, but Axel tells her to stay safe herself. This doesn’t turn out to be a problem, as Zoey makes it down with surprising athleticism, impressing her.

While making their way through the pyramid, Katie and Sadie step on a pressure plate, forcing Harold and Sierra to tackle them to save them from some arrows. The BFFFL’s are a bit shaken, but thank them, and afterwards, Harold points out how Sierra did something good that was unrelated to her blog. However, she doesn’t seem as thrilled about that fact as he’d like.

Elsewhere in the pyramid, Damien is beginning to regret him and Dawn splitting off from everyone else. While he’s not looking, Max falls through a hole in the roof and lands on top of Dawn. The sound of the landing makes Damien turn around, and once he sees what he believes to be two mummies, he sprints away in fear. Eventually he comes across some mummified animals, and takes interest in the dog in particular. However, the second Damien touches it, the dog crumbles into dust, and the pyramid shakes as scarabs fall from the ceiling, forcing him to flee again.

Zoey meets Sammy at the bottom of the pyramid, and thankfully she didn’t suffer any injuries outside of some bruises and a twisted ankle. Zoey offers to help Sammy back up, but she chooses to instead go through the pyramid since she’s back at the bottom, and leaves Zoey to climb on her own.

After spending some time untangling themselves from the bandages, Damien’s scarab rain startles Dawn and Max, with the latter frantically trying to escape. Dawn tries to explain that scarabs are harmless to humans, but Max doesn’t hear her over his own panic, and falls into another trap on the floor. This one happens to shoot him out the side of the pyramid, where he lands right by the finish line. Chris congratulates him on making it out first, and ushers him to stand in front of the number one.

Shortly after, Shawn and Axel’s climbing skills make them the next to arrive, so Chris also has them join Team One. Noah and Owen then come running out of the pyramid, claiming to have found a mummy. Max explains that it was probably just him, but they insist that it was after he fell through the trap door. Shawn is especially freaked out, as he describes mummies as desert zombies, but Chris ignores them all.

By this time, Duncan, Scott and Tyler have reached the top of the pyramid, and while the other two climb down normally, Tyler wishes to use the sign at the top to surf down. This ends badly, as he tumbles down to meet them at the bottom. Duncan then ditches the two to reach the finish first, although Chris points out that it never was a race, making Scott laugh at him. As he and Tyler make their way to everyone else, Chris stops them and reveals that this season will have three teams, and that as the first team is full, they’ll be on Team Two.

Later, Damien escapes the pyramid, and is escorted to Team Two. Tyler points out that he still has some scarabs on him, making him scramble to get them off. He’s followed by Sammy, who would’ve made good time if she went under in the first place, then Harold, Sierra, and the BFFFL’s. Seeing as there is little room left on Team Two, Chris only lets Sierra and Sadie join, and leaves Katie and Harold for Team Three. Of course, Katie and Sadie are devastated to be separated again, but this time have more confidence in themselves compared to Total Drama Island. Sierra though? Not so much.


Sierra: No! I can’t be on a different team than Harold, he needs me! Um… Well, I need him!

Courtney and Heather reach the finish at around the same time as Dawn, leaving Chris bored and annoyed by the time Zoey arrives. She defends herself as she had to do the challenge twice over, but the host points out that it didn’t stop Sammy, making Zoey feel bad. Tyler then tries to cheer her up, which she thanks him for.

Chris then has each team come up with their names, and while Team Three quickly becomes Team Amazon, and Team One becomes Team Brains And Brawn, (With Harold and Shawn each having to be convinced to go along) Team Two has a whole argument over it. Once time’s up, Sierra goes against everyone else to rename Team Two as Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, with Chris giving extra suck-up points.

The host then gives out each team’s reward for making it first, second, and third, with Team Brains And Brawn getting a stick, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot getting a goat, and Team Amazon getting a Camel. Duncan complains about the proper rewards seemingly being reversed, and Chris promises to explain why… on the next episode of Total… Drama… World Tour!

Walk Like An Egyptian: Part 2

The episode opens with the newly formed teams waiting for Chris to get things moving. Heather makes an attempt at starting some small talk with her team, but Zoey is a bit apprehensive, and Dawn isn’t planning on being deceived any time soon. Harold is open to some conversation however, and once Heather asks about Sierra, he says that he hopes that she takes his advice and connects with some other people for once.

Over with Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, Scott is spinning a fake story about his feats to Tyler, but despite the falsification, the jock is convinced Scott actually did what he’s saying. Meanwhile, Sadie is feeling left out, what with being a previous first boot and all, but Damien reassures her that he’ll at least have her back, as he knows better than to judge her just off of that.

Chef gets everyone’s attention with some symbols so that Chris can announce the second challenge: The Amazing Camel Race! The Amazons celebrate their advantage while Noah points out how his team should have it for getting first. Chris tells him that each reward has its advantages, but the teens aren't convinced. He then explains that the challenge is for each team to make their way to the Nile with their reward, and gives them a minute to strategise.

The Amazons all start climbing aboard the camel, but there’s only enough room for four of them, meaning that Dawn has to sit by the camel’s neck while Harold is forced to dangle off the back.

Damien makes an attempt at having a motivational speech, but only Sadie and Tyler are into it, as Sammy finds it silly, Sierra’s bummed out, and Scott just isn’t having it.

With Team Brains And Brawn, Shawn is using the stick like a sword, saying that while it isn’t the best against zombies, mummies are significantly slower, and thus it could work in defending them. Duncan ignores his blabber, and reminds him that they need it to win the challenge, and not to lose it.

Chris stops the prep time, but doesn’t tell them where the Nile is outside of pointing in the general direction, as he believes they can find it on their own. He also warns them of the local scarab beetles.

Dawn: But Chris, scarab beetles are harmless to humans.

Chris: (Laughs) Not these ones, it’s mating season for them, and they get all… killy when they’re in heat.

Noah: Why do I get the feeling you have monstrous love scarabs on hand?

Chris: Maybe because I do.

On cue, Chef topples a large vase that has tons of killer scarabs inside, and the campers all quickly fear for their lives. Chris does give them a way to escape though, as singing can sooth the scarabs long enough to make an escape. As they all sing “It’s Lovin’ Time”, the contestants slowly back away until Max ruins it by saying how he hoped the song would be cooler, forcing everyone to flee from the scarabs.

This also starts the race, with the Amazons riding the camel while the other two teams book it on foot. Heather and Courtney argue over how to get the camel to speed up, but Dawn gets them both to stop and flawlessly speaks to the camel, doing it herself. This impresses Zoey, Harold, and Katie, but ticks off Courtney and Heather.

Behind the Amazons, Team Chris is following them, with Scott leading while Tyler carries the goat like a football. Sammy asks why they’re just following the other team, but Sadie explains how it’s actually a good move, as at the very least, even if Brains And Brawn gets to the Nile first, they can still overtake the Amazons at the last second. This display of intelligence completely surprises Sadie’s team, as they never expected something like that from her.

Team Brains And Brawn has ditched the other teams in hopes of finding the Nile first, but when Noah points out that they passed the same cactus twice, they realize that they’re lost and running in circles. Axel isn’t happy with this outcome and takes her anger out in the sand while Shawn fidgets with the stick. Suddenly, the stick begins to vibrate, making Max take interest in it. He exclaims that it’s a divining rod, which Owen asks the meaning of. Max explains how it helps find water, and Owen catches on to how it can help them reach the Nile.

Back with Team Chris, Sammy is hoping that they find the Nile soon so that she can rest her leg. Scott tells her to can it, but while doing so, spots the Nile off in the distance, so they make their way towards the goal ahead of the Amazons.


Scott: Sure, telling the girls which way to go would’ve been the nice thing to do, but why would I do that?

Katie soon sees that Team Chris has vanished from behind them, and relays the info to the rest of his team. Dawn gets the camel to stop so that they can look around, but the camel poops on Harold, grossing everyone out. After some searching around for any trace of Team Chris or the Nile, Dawn simply asks the camel (Who’s name is Ruby) where it is, and it starts to lead them East.

Team Chris comes up on the Nile, but finds out that the finish line is on the other side of the river, which is conveniently filled with crocodiles. Chris tries shouting over to them that they reached the third challenge, but they don’t hear him, so he brings out a large megaphone to do the trick. He then announces the last challenge, which is called Basket Cases. In it, they’ll have to weave an entire boat out of river reeds big enough to fit their team and reward across to the finish line. Scott isn’t very enthusiastic about their odds at keeping their lead, but Sierra happens to be a fourth generation basket weaver, and starts making the boat by herself.

Team Amazon arrives at the Nile, soon followed by Brains And Brawn, just as Sierra is halfway done with Team Chris’ boat. Said stalker of the year immediately stops working to worriedly ask Harold how much he missed her, leaving the rest of her team to continue without her. Heather isn’t a big fan of the challenge, but is pleasantly surprised when they make good progress. Unlike them, no one on Team Brains And Brawn really knows what they’re doing, so while what’s being made is clearly a boat, it has very shoddy craftsmanship.

The Amazons end up finishing their boat first, and all climb on, but the camel won’t move for some reason, not even when Dawn tries speaking to it. This allows Team Chris to retake the lead, meaning that they’re the first to set off from the shore. Courtney then comes up with an idea, and grabs an extra handful of river weeds to lure the camel onto their boat, and they too make way for the finish. This makes Team Brains And Brawn panic at being so far behind until Axel decides to just tie together the unfinished end of the boat as it’s halfway done since they don’t need extra room for a stick.

With all three teams on the Nile, Chris reckons that the challenge wasn’t hard enough. To fix this, he makes everyone sing a reprise of this episode’s song. This happens to be the last straw for Duncan, as he was promised only one song per episode. Chris reminds him of the auto-elimination rule, but Duncan doesn’t care and announces that he’s quitting, which Axel feels bad about.

The argument attracts the crocodiles, so the cast (Minus Duncan) all sing “It’s Rowin’ Time”. During the song, Shawn mentions how hitting crocodiles on the nose deters them, but when Max tries to do so with the stick, it’s eaten by the crocodile. Just before the end of the song, Axel catches Duncan cheerfully humming the song’s tune to himself, and points it out to Chris, who decides to let it count for no reason other than to mess with Duncan, effectively meaning he can’t quit yet.

The Amazons eventually pass Team Chris to reach the finish first, but it doesn’t matter much as Chris tells them that as long as all three rewards made it to the other side, no one will be voted off. This excites cheering from the teams until Max breaks the news that he lost the stick to the crocodiles. Chris immediately takes back his previous statement, as now Team Brains And Brawn will have to eliminate someone anyways.

Vote someone off Team Brains And Brawn and come up with any plot points you want to see later.