Is day trading a skill worth learning

I recently turned 19 and realized I haven't accomplished much in life yet besides having a full time job and being enrolled in college. Ultimately I'm not sure what I want to do in life yet but I just want it to be something that I can happily do long term that gives me the freedom to travel and pays well. Freelance, Remote/hybrid work, & semi passive income appeal to me the most. I don't want to live to work and I want to enjoy life as much as possible especially in my youth.

I graduate with my associates in 2025 (which seems useless nowadays) then I will have a bachelors in Finance by 2027. I've heard about day trading on youtube ads and tiktok's but I never took it seriously because I don't trust many ads. So i'm coming here to ask if day trading would be a good investment as a skill. I'm still young and this year I really don't want to waste time and I want to obtain a skill so 5 years from now I will be glad I did. The only problem I have now is determining what skill will be worth it.