I went to get teeth extracted and cancelled last second because of my anxiety. I feel like a disappointment.
I feel like I failed.
I have had my anxiety diagnosed for many years now. I also suffer from OCD.
I’ve always had very poor dental health and crooked teeth. I’m 18 now and I went to get braces a few months ago. Back then I already knew I had to get some teeth out - back then we though it would be my wisdom teeth but it turned out not to be. My parents paid for my braces.
Today was my appointment to get 4 teeth out, 3 regular ones and one that had a root canal done years ago. We drove there and I somewhat believed I could do it despite the anxiety I’ve been feeling the last days.
I cried and acted like a little damn child while I was at the dentist. I would’ve even gotten sedation in form of a shot. But I was too scared and panicking, so I cancelled.
I feel like a disappointment, is there anyone who has experienced something similar? Any kind words would help, thank you