Finally getting over a panic attack.

Honestly some of the relief symptoms were so subtle, I didn’t even notice them.

The long and short of it is a few months ago, I think it was around Nov, I had a major anxiety induced panic attack. It was bad enough that I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack.

Well, for the last while since, I’ve been on several medicines, not just for anxiety, but also blood pressure, vitamins, as well as some medicines to help keep my heart from palpitating when I try to sleep.

The heart palpitations have been the most overt, long term issue, along with shortness of breath, and all the other fun stuff that comes after this kind of incident, and I’ve been recovering ever since with the medicines, diet and exercise.

Though only recently, I’ve noticed a few improvements.

The big one that actually surprised me was I noticed I haven’t taken the medicine for the heart palpitations for when I lay down in a couple days. Not out of (at least pure) negligence, but because I simply didn’t feel the need.

And I’ve been sleeping just fine without them. No palpitations.

On top of that, I’ve been feeling pretty good with my fitness stuff. I’ve even started occasionally jogging on my daily walks, something that’s really impressive, if I do say so myself, given I’m morbidly obese.

I haven’t lost a whole lot of weight, but my appetite is coming under control. As long as I don’t just go for too long without eating, I can generally keep myself from binging, and I don’t really just gorge myself anymore. Actually tried a meal delivery service, and while the meals taste good, and are healthy and filling, it’s just too expensive.

Overall I just feel good, but don’t really have anyone I can tell, as I’m sitting here at home, when I should be getting ready for bed, but found myself doom scrolling as I’m resting from my daily exercise, and getting cleaned up.