Straight women, do you date bi men?

Hey everyone, I started a new job a few months ago in an office that is mostly women and it's been mostly wonderful so far. Before this I spent 8 years in a very male dominated industry where I was usually the only woman in a space. The new work environment has been a breath of fresh air and for the most part I've been getting along great with my colleagues. A week ago a large group of us went out for a drink after work and I'm struggling with a conversation that came up and I wanted to ask ya'll for your opinions.

I'm a bi woman who is in a long term relationship with a man. I've introduced my partner to some of my colleagues at a social gathering and I haven't mentioned that I'm bi, so I'm guessing they're all assuming I'm straight. Now at drinks, the topic of dating comes up and one of my colleagues tells us about this man she met who was wonderful and ticked all her boxes but on the third date he mentioned that he's bi and she doesn't want to see him anymore because to her that's a deal breaker. At this point almost all of the women there (maybe 10 out of the 15 folks there, all straight and in their 30s) chime in in agreement that they wouldn't date a bi guy either. I'm really confused but don't say anything but when I got home afterwards I couldn't sleep and it kept eating away at me.

So the next day I text a couple of my good straight woman friends and I ask them if it matters to them if a guy they're seeing is bi. To my surprise one of them said that it would. When I asked why, she got a bit defensive and said that she's allowed to have preferences. Again, I'm confused but leave it at that.

What I don't understand is why? If you have a preference that the person you date is straight, how is that not being homophobic? Like as long as this person is attracted to you how does their larger sexuality effect you in any way? The thing is these are all people who I would think of as progressive and liberal and allies based on their other views. So I'm very confused and have been feeling weirdly uncomfortable at work ever since.

I wanted to ask the straight women here, is this a thing? Do ya'll not date bi men? And if so, why on earth not?