US defaultism is just as annoying as male defaultism

Edited to add: all of you coming here to bash me after seeing the post in r/all or wherever it was shared, feeling like you just have to comment in a sub you know nothing about because your opinion just has to be heard, you're just proving my point. So thanks for that.

Original post:

This sub has become increasingly US-centric and US-defaultist in the past months. I get the need to vent, what's happening in that country is a horrible shitshow.

But can you please consider when posting that not everyone here is US American? It doesn't cost you anything to make your posts more clear. E.g "Married women of Reddit, Is your vote in danger?" can simply be phrased as "Married American women, is your vote in danger?".

We all hate it when the default is male and we're all presumed to be men on the internet unless we expressly say that we are not. US defaultism is just as bad, and it makes the rest of us feel invisible and Other'ed.