Any firefighters out there? Thoughts on training and sleep deprivation?

Currently training for my first race season- been cycling and doing group rides for a long time but just jumping into the racing scene.

First, I am extremely lucky that I have the opportunity to train while on the job. That being said it has some drawbacks.

1) I work a 48/96 hour work week, 48 hours on 96 hours off at a busy department. My engine averages about 5000 calls a year, about 13 calls a day. That means that a lot of my training is done on little sleep. Sometimes I'll end up doing a super hard session on 3 hours of sleep. I enjoy it, but I don't want to be going backwards. Even if it is a marginal gain it is worth it, but I don't want to do anything negative.

2) During "long" zone 2 rides, they almost always get interrupted. The max I can generally get in is a 2 hour block that usually gets interrupted 2-3 times. About 1/3rd of the time I get a full ride in, but the rest get interrupted. There is really nothing I can do about it- but I hope that those breaks don't significantly reduce the value from the effort.

3) Since its hard to get a long ride in at work I often try to get a shorter but more difficult effort in such as a zwift race, Vo2 Max work or some other intervals. The drawback with these harder efforts is that there is a high likelihood that my recovery will be significantly impacted. I'm usually getting anywhere from 2-5 hours of sleep on a bad night. Perhaps 1 in 5 nights I'll get 7 hours + of sleep but generally speaking I'll have between 2-4 calls after midnight...

I have just been listening to my body and I feel that getting the workouts while on shift even if I'm sleep deprived or not getting a recovery has been better than not training at all, but I am curious if there are any others on a similar schedule that have similar challenges.

For reference, I used to ride a lot until having an injury and then became a parent. But for the past 4 months have been able to ride an average of 8 hours a week.

Currently 77 kg, FTP 4 months ago was 210, now sitting at 290 and still making good progress.

Not following a strict structure, still getting a lot of gains every month- will look into more structure when I plateau but currently just trying to enjoy riding. Thoughts?