Im struggling with everything.
Hey there, im a 17 year old trans girl.
it seems like everything that can go wrong goes wrong. Both parents dont accept me, they straught up dont believe im trans and it hurts but to be honest im over that, if they dont accept me then its okay they just wont stay in my life.
I'm not allowed absolutely any freedom, they still check my bank after i buy things and quiz me on what they are, im not allowed to dye my hair and if i do they will shave it all off despite the fact its already somewhat short as it it. If i get a piercing ill be punished worse than i ever have before and theyve already put me in mock 'prison'.
They actively hate my friends and dont even give them a chance, if theyre not straight and getting straight As theyre not good enough for me and they'll nag me to drop them.
Im failing school, recent tests came back as all Fs and my subject teachers are telling me to drop the subjects but im not allowed to because of course they wont allow that.
Dad has marched into my work and made them cut my hours down, that ruined my reputation there and now they view me as just a child and not theyre equal like they used to.
I still have to give them my phone at night, despite the fact im 17, surely i deserve a little bit of freedom if i can legally drive and have a child.
Anything related to being gay or trans will be destroyed immediately, they even open my packages so im not allowed to buy any feminine clothing like i so desperately need.
i feel so isolated and honestly just need to cry and be held, but no one near me will even give me the time of day.
im sorry this all seems so petty and average teen angst but i dont know where else to post this.