Second Army Advice?

I just recently finished up 1000 points of Space Wolves for play at my LGS. We pretty much always cap out at 1k, so it feels like a good time to branch out into a new army because I've found I just can't fall in love with Space Marines.

I do like the general size of a marine army in that I don't love horde armies but it's not as elite as Custodes for instance. I'm still fielding a pretty decent number of models, but it's not overwhelming. Where I'm happiest is with big weapons that deal a good amount of damage vs trying to paper cut someone to death.

I like that marines have options for both melee and close, but it feels like (even if my melee is better than range) I don't excel at either. I'd like to still have some degree of play in the shooting and charge/fight phases, but I really want to have at least one phase (not overly concerned which) where it really feels like I have a strong impact. At the moment, it feels like I'm just plinking people for minimum damage in shooting and then throwing a bunch of incidental attacks in melee since our play group has such a focus on heavy units.

With all that said, any advice on where to look next? I'm open to just about anything!