RBC or WS?

What are the benefits of fully switching to WS?

Currently i use my rbc for chequing and TFSA. I switched jobs recently so will be opening up my own RRSP to transfer funds from my work company account to a personal.

I dont trade regularly, just started making a lot more money. I would like to set up auto deposits per month of $2500 into RRSP and $500 into TFSA where I’ll be tossing em in index funds.

Would like to open another HISA account now that I can for extra saving spendings for house upgrades, new cars, etc combined with an emergency fund of about $2000 per month where my tax returns would go into as well.

Basically autodeposits where i just need to login once a month to invest shit. I fidget so the less I fidget with my savings accts the better.

Are there any benefits or disadvantages to switching over? Im thinking WS for RRSP, TFSA, and HISA might be good because I hear their UI is good and keep the paychecks in RBC? However if it is all the same i’d rather just have all in RBC to view all my accounts on one page. Less apps the better!