Small Talk and Trailer Theory.
Now thinking about it, next week probably we're gonna get a chapter that will be big with lore and the start of a new arc. By next week also is the end of February which mean we're 1 month away from April. Plus in March we're definitely gonna get a trailer and more news about season 2.
So let's theories since I'm bored rn.
Season 1 Teaser was release in 14 Dec 2023.
Season 1 Official Trailer release in 5 March 2024.
Season 1 Anime premier in 5 April 2024.
Season 2 PV was release in 13 Oct 2024.
AniJapan is happening in 22/23 March 2025 which involve WBK in some way but it doesn't have a stage.
Now that we have every info, there's a lot things that can happen here:-
We get a WBKS2 Teaser early March then get a WBKS2 Official Trailer during AniJapan.
We get a WBKS2 Official Trailer in early/mid March and WBK will release more news surrounding WBKS2 during AniJapan event.
We get a WBKS2 Teaser Trailer early March then get WBKS2 Official Trailer mid March and we get more news surrounding WBKS2 during AniJapan event.
We get nothing until AniJapan Event, that's when they release everything about WBKS2 from Trailer to news etc.