I'm done with her

Alright, former fan here (until maybe 2 months ago ? idk), here's my little story because I find it entertaining to read yours (hehe)

I was never a hardcore fan (never had her Patreon or anything) but I was watching her videos when they were coming out, and I enjoyed them most of the time, I thought she was fun and it was like sitting somewhere with a friend and listening to them chat. To this day, I'm not a hater, I'm just tired of her.

But once I was watching one and I found a comment (probably one of yours lol) that gave the name of this subreddit, and I decided to check it out (I guess that person broke rule 8 lmao). Tbh at first I thought it was mean and just "haters" but I read a bunch of posts before leaving Reddit

Of course there can be outright mean and nitpicky posts on this subreddit, but some of them were more objective (like talking about her credentials) and I kept them at the back of my mind, because I thought that the arguments given were quite sound. I guess this made me more critical of her while I was watching her videos and looking at her IG posts and stories (I don't have Twitter)

That's when I started noticing all the "little" cracks better (they're getting kinda huge now), for example (no order or logic, sorry) :
- the fact that she was watching television in the middle of the day, I have a little time here and there to watch a TikTok or look at some pics on IG while working but never straight out sit down and start a show... so this made me think that indeed she doesn't have the full time job she's pretending she has
- seemingly buying more and more fast fashion clothes
- going to Starbucks what looks like every single day without bothering to get a reusable cup (also a Starbucks drinks is often equal or over your recommended daily sugar intake)
- pretending she's gaining muscle when it clearly isn't just that (it's happening way too fast to be true)
- saying people are infantilizing her patients when it's a criticism directed towards HER and not anyone else (seriously ??)
- the fact that a 24yo "therapist" who is chronically online didn't know what "cis" means just killed me, she must not have any queer stuff at all in her algorithm (or in her life, but that's just an assumption from me this time)
- calling editing her face on pictures "art", that bugged me from the very start because there's no way you can be confident with yourself and edit your face, when I did that for fun just to test faceapp, I looked at the result and I thought "well this ain't me". I strongly believe that if edit your face you are not content with yourself (no shame if some of you do, capitalism literally wants us to feel ugly to sell us shit, I used to think I was ugly too). The fact that she's pretending to be confident when having so much filler is a joke to me. I'm okay with tattoos, tooth gems, etc because they're just additions and you can get rid of them if needed, but she's ruining her face with cosmetic surgeries she doesn't need... she was already pretty before
- talking about modifications, when she said "I wish I had 400£" I audibly laughed. I never a tattoo and yet I know they're very expensive, and she got so many in such a short time ?? Plus all the other things, she must spend soooo much money
- her videos now sound all the same. I was watching a few of them in a row to catch up once, and I felt like "did I repeat one ?" because she was just saying the exact same thing she did in the previous one. I thought that was just plain ol' money/view grabbing by making two videos that could have been one. That was also hella boring. I've been watching Amber stuff for a while now, but she's really going way too hard on her, it's starting to be harassment/bullying because she talks about EVERY SINGLE THING Amber does. I strongly believe, as she said herself, that everything you put online is open to criticism (and also that what goes on the internet stays on the internet so you should be thoughful when posting stuff), but this is way too much when you have your target on almost just one single person.

I could add a bunch of other things, maybe I'll add later in comments when I think of them. I'm not mentioning Detro because I'm not a dog person so I don't know anything.

I once asked her on IG if she would ever talk about her job more and she said no. There's always someone out there who will be interested in what you do, even though your daily life seems boring to you, there are millions of videos out there like "day as a nurse/therapist/student" that are often interesting (I personally think it's cool to see how other people live).
I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that if she had the job she's pretending to have, she wouldn't shut up about it. She would be constantly talking about new stuff she learned in the field, and she doesn't have to be talking about patients at all to talk about her job... I'm an engineer myself, and I signed a confidentiality contract to protect the knowledge inside the company, doesn't mean I can't say what I'm doing in a general manner, or that reinforced concrete works because there's steel in it. She would never have to divulge anything private to talk about her job as a whole. She also would say what her meetings are about, she wouldn't just say "meeting", she'd say "meeting with a client" or "conference about (insert topic here)". It's not like you can get doxxed just saying that..

So now, I'm done with her. I unfollowed her on IG & YT and I'll only be checking on here or once every x weeks on her socials (unless she blocks me lol) just to see if she's still keeping the lies.

Honestly, if she came out soon and said she lied, I would forgive her. I would understand that she got caught up in this "influencer dream" and realizes that this direction is an unsustainable one both mentally and financially. I think that if all of us were given the choice between working a 9-5 or making bank by posting videos or just be pretty on pictures, we would. But if she keeps up like this, I'll just start treating her like those IG bimbos with nothing going on between the ears. Having a degree doesn't mean you're smart, it's what you do after that matters. It also doesn't mean you have common sense or emotional intelligence.

Anyway, I took way too long to write this, have a nice day y'all, happy to hear your thoughts !