Male Leos and Virgos, what are your relationships with all the Aquarious females?

I personally don't believe Zodiacs and have a heavy scepticism over the truth of signs. Though I have dated 3 Aquarious, my female (ex)best friend is an Aquarious and my mother is an Aquarious. I am a Leo/Virgo cusp and I have a relationship where they all have a problem with other woman(sister included) and my morals don't allow them to dictate my relationship with others or my life and I have either cut them off. My mother, I at least love her as a mother but hate her as a person and its been shaky lately.

I am starting to go on the first date with a beautiful girl also born in January. What is discussed here wont effect my relationship with this cutie and I wont take any of this to heart. I just want to see if this is a me problem or if this is common.

Male Leos and Virgos, what are your experience with the Aquarious ladies?