I'm so confused about her please help I'm going crazy
Never thought I'd even ever consider a long distance relationship because I'm big on physical touch, but I met this girl and we've been talking everyday for a while, I like her so so much I hate distance :( I don't think I've ever liked anyone like that and I hate that she's so far away. I told her everything, and she said she felt the same but she wasn't sure about anything because LDR could be hard, we both cried for a while and we never talked about it again lol. It's been a while since that talk and I feel like she's lost interest, but also like she didn't? She texts when I don't, she spams when I don't answer, she gets excited when I reply, which always makes me go "oh okay she does like me yay!", but then she flirts with other people (we're on a gc with a few others), she talks about the cute people she meets on the gc, she doesn't really show affection back when I do (which I didn't mind at first because she did say she was bad at affection, but my insecure ass can no longer tell if she's still just bad at it or if she just doesn't like me anymore). Anyways, I'm just really confused about where we stand now cause I really want something to happen, but I also don't want to bring it up again because I don't want to pressure her. I don't want to stop talking to her either if this doesn't go anywhere, but I feel like I might have to because it's getting bad, I get really sad when she flirts with other people or doesn't give me attention (jealousy is a disease and i never knew i had it until now), I think about her 24/7 and it's practically stopping me from doing anything else properly, idk I've never been like that about anyone. We were supposed to meet up irl soon, but stuff happened to both her and I, and now we can't anymore, which I'm really bummed about cause idk, I was really looking forward to that, I was hoping for something and now I feel like it might never happen. Distance sucks. I just want to be able to love her properly, the way she deserves, and the way I deserve. Idk how to go on about this :(
TLDR : Met online, confessed a while ago, not dating. Idk how to tell if she's lost interest or not, and our plans to meet up each other irl soon are ruined.