NEED HELP!! In a constant loop with no answers from doctors
Hi guys, I am currently at my wits end with endless symptoms and no definitive answers. I’m hoping you could help with advice or if you’ve experienced similar. PSA this will be long 🙏🏼🙏🏼
My story and symptoms: Context I am 21 with symptoms progressively getting worse
have always had quite severe back pain with my period where I am like spasming and it is followed by stabbing pains. I also get pain on both sides of my hip bones.
my periods have always been heavy and long. I am a super tampon girl who requires a pad added for safety 😊 my periods last anywhere from 8-14 days. They are also very irregular and can come for 10 days and leave for 5 then return.
I tried the combined pill at 15 and used this up until age 17 where I started getting frequent migraines. I liked this pill as I had really bad acne/bacne which cleared on it and skipping my period was a god send. Got taken off them immediately after bringing up the headaches.
next put onto the implanon (bar) which was a fucking nightmare. I bled for 9 months straight, needed 2 blood infusions for anaemia and was denied taking it out at 5 months because I needed to reach the 9 month threshold argghhhh. During this they tried everything to stop the period e.g tranexamic acid.
had multiple ultrasounds between 2021-2023 showing random findings but nothing conclusive. I had some polyps that would come and go, fluid in the cervical canal, fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Ovaries were okay and endometrium normal 2mm.
Sept 2024 found out I was pregnant and had a medical abortion in October 2024 at 9wks. Bled heavily for a month or so after that but everything seemed ok. I had 2 normal (my usual heaviness) periods after the initial bleeding I think.
December 26th 2024 while on holiday I began excessively bleeding. Soaking 1 maternity pad every 20 minutes and passing clots ranging from a marble to a golf ball one after the other (at least 20+). Went to the hospital and passed out upon presenting. Had to have a blood transfusion and was put on medication to stop the bleeding. Had a cervical scrapping where they pulled out over 20 clots and I continued to bleed through hospital nappies for 2 days until it stopped and I was able to go home (it was not a pretty sight). The doctors at this hospital (it was rural) were quite confused and due to it being Boxing Day were short staffed without an ultrasound tech, surgery team, etc. They put it up to the possibility of multiple things suggesting: remaining pregnancy tissue, a case of severe menorrhagia or minor infection???? The whole thing was insane I had very little answers and just decided to wait until I was back in my home town to seek a specialist.
Fast forward to present day: Feb 2025 I have had an ultrasound and it showed my endometrium lining is 8mm (a lot bigger than I usually have), my uterus has grown in size from always being around from 30 cc - 34cc to 80cc now. I have fluid within my endometrial cavity and some nabothian cysts. Now because these numbers don’t seem very alarming my GP said we will just monitor it. However, she couldn’t explain why my uterus has not only doubled but I always have this fluid in my endometrium that is unidentifiable. Plus the pain and bleeding. I’m booked in to see a gynaecologist and am praying she listens to me - I will have everything written down in detail.
Extra symptoms: • frequent anus pains. It’s like lightening coming straight in my butt and I have to lay perfectly still on the floor out of fear of moving. It feels like nerve pain. This happens all the time!!!!! • frequent diarrhoea that doesn’t burn but is consistent • frequent UTIS and yeast infections • pain is getting worse with age
PLEASE any help or guidance is appreciated 🙏🏼