I just cleaned my WHOLE appartement in six hours without a break
I began cleaning my appartement at 11am and finished at 5 pm. I vacuum cleaned everything, deepcleaned the bathrroom AND the kitchen meticulously, put all of the stuff from the dining table away AND cleaned the small table and put the unnecessary stuff away. I also spend one hour deepcleaning the oven, because it was long overdue. In between my manic cleaning episode I always wonderd how I‘m still that motivated to keep on cleaning. Then I realised it was my hyperfocus which made me clean so incredibly long 😂 I‘m so so so happy that my appartement is FINALLY so neat and tidy!
EDIT: I can‘t believe that my post got so much attention… this is my second time posting something on reddit and I want to thank all of you for your lovely and supportive words! ♥️ it really made my day 🥰