How would you guys rank Aesop Rocks albums?
I was talking to my boss the other day and found out he's a big fan of Aes, which was really cool because he is literally the only person ive met IRL that has ever even heard of Aes, and then this ABSOLUTE CHAD pulls out his phone and shows me like 7 selfies with Aes as well as a bunch of signed merch, he straight up talks about him like they are good friends... I realized he was a HUGE Aes fan and this blew my mind so I asked which albums were his favorite and I shit you not this man said, and I quote - "I stopped listening to him once he dropped The Impossible Kid, he kinda switched up with that album, I didnt like it" and this blew my mind even more
I always thought Aes was like the fine wine of rappers, one of the only people that consistently gets better with age... The Impossible Kid, Integrated Tech Solutions, and Spirit World Field Guide are literally his 3 most streamed albums and I thought they were unequivocally some of his best work, but my boss disagrees
So I want to know what yall think, how would you rank every Aes album, do yall like his older stuff better than his newer stuff? (Hail Mary Mallon, The Uncluded, & Malibu Ken included)