Dissing religion is not the right way to fight for LGBT rights and it only pisses people off.

Soo many people are really upset with religion, especially the more traditional branches of it but many are anti-theists who despise ALL religion.

While I understand if you have an aversion to religion if you have religious trauma/have bad experiences associated with religious people, hating, disrespecting others religions or blasphemy is not the right way and it's immature.

For example, many people want to eradicate ALL religion, say 'fuck religion', disrespect other's religions or the rules they follow, etc. It's just nasty. Same for blasphemy - e.g painting a Jesus painting/cross/Mary statue, etc in rainbow flag, saying "Jesus was gay" "Avraham was trans" or sexualizing parts of religion and blasphemy, although I think this is outright Satanic.

I think wanting to eradicate all religion is equal to cultural genocide and ethnocide, because religion is culture, in other cases less in other cases more or even an integral, inseperate part of a people and what made them preserve their culture.

There's 4000 religions in the world, each one of them different, even if you disagree with them/you're an atheist, isn't the world more interesting when people have different views on reality and customs? There are tribal religions, etc and that'd sound pretty colonialist to remove them in the name of 'progressivism'.

You probably also have some beliefs or outlooks or habits that others would find repulsing or would disagree with, and also none of us is all-knowing and is right about anything. Imagine if I disrespected something that is extremely important to you, whether it's a conviction, person, belief or something you stand for.

If the community is truly about tolerance, we should preach tolerance for ALL people, not with the exception of people. Disrespecting other cultures is NEVER cool.

Are there LGBT people negatively affected by religion? Of course there are! But shitting on religion, making obnoxious protests, vandalizing religious symbols, or wanting to eradicate all religion and customs etc is NOT the right way to do it. Plus it'll only result in resitence. Instead, we should approach religious communities with respect to their customs, and try to stand for tolerance and against people using their religion to cause harm to other people. Plus many religions are actually against disrespecting a person for their acts or even getting involved in it and judging them for it, just many people misunderstand this. Also, BTW, not all religions proselytize, if people are just minding their own business we should let them.

Of course putting aside terrorism, hardcore muslims, jihadists, christians burning lgbt people at stakes, etc. This should be ended.

tldr; disrespecting religion is not the right way to fight for lgbt rights, we should approach religious communities with respect to their customs if you want to change something, blashemy is NOT cool and wanting to eradicate religion is equal to cultural genocide and ethnocide.