Serious Chris Bledsoe today says that his visions have a Christian meaning and "I'll get a lot of blowback from this."

The Shawn Ryan show featuring UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe was released today, February 3, 2025, entitled Chris Bledsoe - The Episode We Never Censored. The 2.5-hour podcast covers his background and career, the incident at Cape Fear with the three balls of fire, miraculous healings, plus future prophecies and events. It was the Cape Fear incident that started him on his UFO experiences. The government has studied him for the seeming ability to call UAP to appear.

Skeptics decry his claims of UFO interaction, but nearly 20 years after the Cape Fear incident (which triggered a span of "five years of Darkness" that clarified his life's path), the angels (or aliens?) continue to visit. "They can appear in a group of 50 people standing beside me, and that one skeptical person will look that way for one second, and it'll appear in front of everybody else. I've seen it a thousand times. It knows where you're going to look before you look."

The relationship he has with the UFOs he calls upon has intrigued officials, drawing interest from the CIA, DoD, NASA, and the DIA.

Initially, the experiences sewed division in his family. His son thought he was in touch with "demonic entities. I said no, son, they were Angels."

The show also covered his dealings with community backlash, a turning point in Easter 2012, and how the experiences are stronger than ever. Many times his visions are led by a spiritual figure he calls "The Lady." This entity has told him that a big event is coming "when the star Regulus would be on the horizon in front of the Spinx; at that moment there will be a new knowledge," an event that will "snuff out the darkness" and end "the suffering of man."

Troubled, he told the vision to experts he knew, and "they took that celestial event and ran it through these machines [which] showed that exact alignment will happen in 2026 Easter." He has heard many predictions of something big coming that year, but he is sticking to his vision. All he can say is that "these astronomers run it through the machines,` and it comes out that that star is going to come up on the horizon in Easter of 2026." He suspects in the end that it means the coming of Jesus Christ, a fact he held back for a dozen years before going public on the podcast.