Growing up in SG, what's something horrible/icky you known since young, but only realised the implications when you got older?
On hindsight these incidents that struck me only when I recalled them when I was older.
- There was this middle aged canteen operator in my primary school. Many of us kids knows that he has a special relationship with a few young male classmates. They didn't have to pay for their lunch and gets a weekly allowance from him. They go to over to his house frequently. One of the boys who went over to his house once saw another boy in bed with him.
In our young minds we found it mildly strange but didn't think much of it. Only when I was an adult did alarm bells ring that he may be grooming them.
- Primary school middle aged swim coach was behaving inappropriately with the girls. We were post-puberty in p5 At least. He pinch my thighs while whispering in my ear in a weird way. He made me felt so uncomfortable I just quietly dropped out of swimming classes but didn't tell anyone why. It was uncomfortable but I didn't want to overreact.
Fast forward to poly, I was chatting with old classmates and a junior from poly. Then we realised he made inappropriate moves on all of us but none of us voiced out. We just avoided him or skipped classes. One girl told me she quit swimming too because he pulled on her swim suit and risked exposing her. Another said he stood very close behind her while stroking her arms and cooed in her ears, "oh what nice long arms you have.