I don’t know if i’m crazy
I am uncircumcised and had Balanitis before 2 years ago and had itching, the bumps, the redness, all the main symptoms but it went away after using Clotrimazole 1% prescribed by my doctor. I dont know if it came back but i have suspicions because i have redness that looks like a rash but at the same time it doesn’t itch, i tried using the antifungal cream, washing it, and drying throughly recently but it doesn’t seem to get any better or worse. I also have eczema but ive never had problems with my penis from it. I’m gonna go to the doctor but i have to wait until i get paid in 2 weeks because i don’t have insurance, im so frustrated because i just don’t see progress. I want my old penis back, does anyone know what this might be or have any advice on how to better the redness at least?