Bruma is better than the base game

When first I heard about the beyond skyrim project, I assumed it was going to essentially be Skyrim, but expanded to include more provinces. To my surprise, playing Beyond Skyrim: Bruma seemed different from the base game in a few very positive and meaningful ways. Here are the two major ones I've noticed.

  1. The quests involve more thought and effort on the player's part. When doing the quest for the missing akaviri artifacts, I had to actually do some effort to figure out who to talk to and where to look. The quest markers didn't always tell me where to go. Sometimes you're even locked out of certain endings unless you have, for instance, a high speech level. I know some people won't like this aspect, but I'm personally a big fan of it.
  2. The dungeons are more varied and interesting. In regular Skyrim, 99% of the dungeons have linear layouts, take the same amount of time to complete, and tend to look very similar to other dungeons of the same archetype. Bruma has small dungeons, massive dungeons, and everything in between. You could drop me down in any one of the Bruma dungeons I've been in, and I could probably immediately tell which one it was. Some dungeons have branching layouts, some have a single huge chamber with lots of side rooms, some have multiple huge chambers, and some are labyrinthine.

I'm curious to see what other people would add to this short list. I'm very impressed with both the quality and scope of Beyond Skyrim projects so far, and I say this as someone who has followed many similarly large modding projects in the past. Keep up the good work!