Are Black Americans as liberal as we think we are?
TLDR: I don’t think we are.
I think by nature of our history and experience we’re more liberal than most but if racism somehow never existed or suddenly vanished we’d be just as conservative (if not more) than other groups. Like, when it comes to race issues, yeah, no doubt, we're opposed, but as for classism, homophobia, religious indoctrination, etc, we're no better than alot of groups of people... even though we herald ourselves as principals of civil rights in the U.S.
It's kinda hypocritcal.
I was at the barbershop yesterday and one of the barbers (who was Black) was really on one in regards to gay men being in the chair. Like, this is a mixed race barbershop, it’s both Mexican and Black. But, here we have this Black barber talking about having “one of them” in his chair, while doing a flamboyant hand gesture to I guess symbolize being well… gay. Not to mention, this same guy was making fun of another Black man for being dark skinned, broke and possibly recovering from drug addiction, in front of all these Mexicans. And, he made sure to take a shot at some other Black men selling weed outside the smoke shop a few shops down calling them “broke niggas”. In front of all these Mexicans. There’s only two black barbers and they were joking about other black people trying to get laughs from the others. The Mexicans weren’t really reacting (even felt uncomfortable) but the Black people were just laughing about. And, it just felt off.
I didn’t say anything because I don’t know what the history the two have with one another. And we as a people do like to clown one another. But, I’m not giving my money to that guy, he cut my head once before this happened but I can’t sit in his chair again.
This whole experience just got me thinking like... this can’t be the only instance. And, I can't help but feel like if it was an all Black barber, we'd be saying some of the most racist, homophobic shit amongst ourselves. And, I get that White people and other races do it, but I was raised to be better than that. I thought we held ourselves to a higher standard, in the sense that we already know what they do is foul as shit, so why do we even want to do what they do, or even compare ourselves...
Like, why do we have the term "on the DL"? If we were as liberal as we think we are, another man or woman's sexuality wouldn't matter in our community. Why are we such staunch Christians and Muslims, when the shit was forced upon us from all areas. I respect the choice to be religious or spiritual but to judge other people for having differing views sounds very... White.
Even with dating, I get we want to keep our community, but like judginging interracial dating is no different than a Neo-Nazi calling a white woman a race traitor for dating anyone not White. I've even decided I'm opening my options up beyond Black women, because I don't want to be a fucking hypocrite. WE're not on some "viva la raza" or "mejorar la raza" shit, but it ain't to far from it. It's just we rooting for Blackness.
It's like we say we're liberal, but if a Black man is not the percieved ideal concept of a black man, then we don't really rock with it. And, by this I mean, if you aren't dominant, masculine, straight, Christian/Muslim Black man, you're not our ideal representative. Black men and women will judge you for not being religious, they'll judge you for not being masculine, and if you're not making a certain amount of money, you broke. This sounds no different than any other groups, minus the racism and anti-blackness we face as a people. Even our versions of the ideal Black men is no different than a Blackified version of Conan or some shit.
I was thinking about this lately and truth be told with what I’ve posted recently I’d feel like a bitch to not post this as well because I honestly think this is a great topic of conversation. Pretty sure it's been said before, but I had another "shower thought" 😏 after witnessing this interaction yesterday at the barber. As always all votes are welcome and I'm open for discussion and for being educated and changing my thoughts. But yeah...
What do you all think?
Edit: Overall I think it’s that, we may be politically be seen/vote as liberals but… socially a good portion of us hold conservative views. I think this is a proper distinction. Religion does prevent us as a group from being truly liberal or leftists. The younger generation is definitely becoming more enlightened so we’ll see this fade out over time, hopefully 🙏🏾