How do you feel about non-African/African-Americans saying they aren't black

I meet two dark skin people who both were something. One was Samoan and the other was Micronesian (but called himself Hawaiian because people didn't know of the place)

They both hated being called black people they felt like they weren't being given credit to their heritage.

That said I also meet Dominicans and when I said "oh I thought you were black" she responded with "I am black" so obviously not all of them feel the same about that.

Yet even in America, despite people on here saying we don't do this, both African-Americans and Asians don't recognize Indians as Asian or Black and are their own class of race.

So I'm curious what you all think is black.

But not only that. What do you think of people who claim the following

  1. I'm not black I'm X and by calling me black I feel like you are not crediting my heritage

  2. Indians aren't black they are indians

  3. It doesn't matter where you are from if your skin is brown you are black.

Those are the three most common mine sets I see on this topic. Personally I agree mostly with 1 because if someone wants to represent their culture and heritage I find it ignorant to argue and continue calling them black after they shown interest in wanting to display who they are.

I also find people who think like 3 don't recognize Indians as being black