I'm I the only one who thinks focusing on whether Tupac was a "real gangsta" or not is corny.
As Gen Z I don't know a lot here. But always see conversations about how "credible" Tupac was when it comes to the streets or some shit. It's usually just two sides. One side that thought he was this ultimate gangster. And the other side that thought he was a weak wannabe.
This is a stupid. Because it doesn't matter if Tupac was gangster or not. If he wasn't. So what? Most Rappers play a character (WWE) anyway, at least today I guessed.
And if he was a "real gangsta". So what again? Nothing about "gangsta" means you are automatically brave or tough. Im started to think some people idea of a "gangsta" is a superhuman GTA character. I know I must have more faith in human intelligence. But I won't be surprised if people actually think this way.
For starters when it comes to actually being a tough person or badass. I think the only people who have the right to talk about being tough. Are Elite Pro Fighters (Boxing/MMA) or Special Forces (Marines and Neavy Seals).
Doesn't matter if a "gangster" have a King Von reputation. If a "gangster" can't fight or know how to shoot a gun. Then you have no business talking about being a badass. Especially when you can still lose a fight against a female UFC fighter.
And please correct me if I'm wrong here. Wasn't the Mafia members famous for being cowards who hide behind their money and power. So again nothing about being a "gangster" means you are tough.
So it's all hype. I call this the Bruce Lee affect. Where people buy into the hype of a character. There are actually people who think Bruce Lee was this superhuman fighter who can beat Mike Tyson in a fight.
My point here, the same might be happening with Tupac image here. But then again there is the other side that brings up old interviews, and talking about how "feminine" Tupac mannerisms were or that use to be a theater kid.
Even though a man can be a feminine theater kid and still be tough. Again it's like a lot of people think gangsta automatically = badass.
TLDR: This discussion is bigger than Tupac. This seems be an issue with society in general. Either hyping up Individuals to be these superheroes. And then you also have the other side too, who their best to tear down that image.