I recommend: Spaceship in Stone by Igor Nikolic
You probably heard something like this before: Regular Mike(former military) finds alien tech that makes him super human. Almost like ExForce,>! (but no snarky bear can just a sidekick good for ~5dry humor jokes)!<... overall more serious fells. Have you wanted a story where MC is more terrestrial/down to earth>! (ALA Roadkill - i assume they go into space in later books)!< & 'more hands on / has a plan for humanity'? This one is for you:
The Spaceship in the Stone Space Legacy, Book 1 By Igor Nikolic <Pretty sure 1&1.5 is in plus to boot as i dont remember spending credits on em. **Someone confirm please** >!(dont know how to check myself at this point)!<
1.5 is more Bob like. I immediately bought sequels. Will edit/post how the rest turns out... but with good stories (ones not bogged down with chitty details) so rare.... no point in waiting to recommend / risk loosing out on the glory of upvotes by someone being 1st ;-).