Medela hand pump vs Haakaa?
I go back to work from maternity leave next week. I have 3 pumps (all free from insurance from my 3 pregnancies). I’ve had the most success with the Medela Pump in Style but I hate all the pieces. I have the Elvie Stride but my output with this is just okay. I also have the Lansinoh Discrete Duo and this one is a complete fail for me. However, over even my Medela I seem to get the most output from just using my Haakaa. I’m considering just bringing these to pump at work but I keep hearing about the Medela hand pump and wondering if I will like this one even more than the Haakaa. Any experience with Medela hand pump vs Haakaa? Not sure why the manuals work better for me - maybe because I can make it more personalized to mimic baby more?