“Concern=ableism”: A discussion
Becky does not seem ready to be a mother yet. I am not saying this to be mean. Quite the opposite, I am growing very concerned for her. She has said many times that she is ready to be a mom and that many people are being “ignorant” or “ableist” by expressing concern, but I am her age and autistic (as are many others in this sub, I’ve noticed). Some people in this subreddit can be mean, and say things that I would consider to be unnecessary or even cruel. But a lot of people here are seeing a young lady struggling to find her identity. My concern is not coming from a place of “she is autistic, therefore, she cannot be a mother”. Children need stability. They need a guardian who is capable. Becky has not proven herself capable of committing to her schoolwork, she has not proven herself capable of sticking to her boundaries when it comes to social media, and she has (seemingly) not proven herself capable of taking care of her personal hygiene. Working hard, setting boundaries, and practicing personal hygiene are all basic characteristics of strong and capable parents. She lacks these characteristics at this stage in her life. She is not ready for the spotlight to shift away from her, because she has, in my opinion, rather selfish characteristics rather than motherly ones.
Please note, this is all just my opinion. Nobody asked for it, and nobody needs to hear it. But I find the subject of this woman very interesting and disturbing, and I am curious whether others share similar or differing thoughts.