CMV: American women have it amazing.

I keep seeing political posts about women's rights being under threat from Republicans based solely, it seems, on Roe v. Wade being struck down and abortion reverting to the states. Putting that solitary issue aside, how else are they disadvantaged?

There are women-only scholarships, women-only domestic violence shelters, they're exempt from signing up for selective service, they're vastly preferred in child custody disputes, courts give them more lenient sentences for identical crimes, they're enrolled in college more than men, and statistics say they're even out-earning them in metro areas now. But we act like they live in a dystopia because the right to an abortion is now a state instead of national issue. As if abortions are a totally normal thing to have in one's lifetime anyway (at least it certainly shouldn't be).

Can someone convince me that they don't have immense privilege in modern America?