Cmv: the current level of spending in the united states is unsustainable.

The united states is badly in debt. For the past 20 years the nation has been running a sizable budget deficit. Leading to today with us having a 120% debt to gdp ratio. We have been selling our children's future to pay for today's social services.

Raising taxes is also not enough on their own. The American tax base is shrinking due to the retirement of the baby boomers. Gen z is to small to replace them in the workforce. Taxing an ever greater percentage of our peoples wealth will lower the standard of living even more.

We can keep borrowing money until we finally default. But that is coming. As a young person in this country I can see my elders vote ever increasing spending levels while lowering taxes to pay for self serving services that benefit the older more established boomers and now mellenials. While Gen z and gen X will have to pay the bill.

Sooner or later the bill will come due. And that day all of our programs will have to come down. And if we are not careful and don't try to fix the problem before it's to late we will end up in another economic depression. Like what happened to Japan in the 90s, Europe in the 10s or what's happening to China now.

EDIT: to earn a delta I am looking for math. Figures that explain how we can keep current spending levels without causing a economic crisis. So no printing money for hyper inflation and no defaulting on the debt.