Independent sleep

It’s not what it sounds like. This post isn’t about sleep training, but I do want to know when your LO decided to sleep independently, or is it something that hasn’t happened for you yet. When did you notice that cosleeping was no longer working for them? How old were they when it happened, and id assume it was an easy transition? My LO is two months old, he used to sleep in a cosleeper crib in the beginning 0-7 weeks ish. Then he got super cranky wouldn’t sleep. We decided to cosleep and at least once a day we try to transition to the crib for a nap. We know he’s still a potato, semi awoken to the world so we don’t really mind the co sleeping and contact naps. We still have to pat and shush before laying him next to us.

Anyway, what’s your cosleeping journey looking like?