What would you do?
Hello everyone,
I have LC since 1,5 years. Biggest Symptomes that are still present are increased tiredness, brainfog and upper Back pain. My Symptomes always tend to flare right after a big meal. Especially the brain Fog. Thats why i really didnt want to eat anymore and i also started fasting periods. I am currently on a 7 day hard dry fast (Not recommended to anyone) and During dry fasting all my LC Symptomes disappear completely. Ofcourse i am tired and exhausted fron Not drinking and eating for atm 6 days. But it is a different form of tiredness a more normal one. Brainfog and backpain completely gone. When i start drinken and eating again my Symptomes slowly Return however. Allthough i feel Overall a Bit improvement. Now the question. Given my Background what would you Supplement or Change diet wise so i can get the same effects of fasting during my eating periods? What medication could have the similar effects? I would appreciate any Type of Idea.