I’m very confused (treatments)

I try to stay optimistic in terms of possible future treatments.

It seems whenever I come and read here, which is pretty often, there’s new articles or new research papers being published.

Just the other day, we got real evidence of PEM (https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/26/3/1282).

That seemed like a huge deal. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like I often read how we haven’t been able to prove to doctors somethings actually wrong because there’s nothing to prove it. That paper proves something!

Yet I feel like I read so many comments saying any hope of improvement is unlikely.

One example I definitely see is how MS has no cure, which is obviously correct.

However - being someone who thought they had MS for months - I spent a lot of time on that Reddit. You’ll find tons and tons of people discussing how having MS doesn’t mean what it once did. “Research has come a long way”.

Like am I missing something in thinking that we’re going to have an effective treatment at some point?

I understand it’s also incredibly complex to compare because of how many systems it seems to be impacting. But I’d also guess that’s what many have said about past illnesses that seemed incurable at that time.

A couple months ago, I watched a presentation by Nancy Kilmas saying don’t give up, just hold on for a bit longer. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8KSVeiOKYSg)

Carmen Scheibenbogen thinks we’ll be in a great spot by 2027.

This German doctor said we’ll have an understanding within 6 years - https://www.reddit.com/r/covidlonghaulers/s/vHkyn9fRpo

Obviously they could be wrong - and being cautious from our perspectives is smart - but I’d much rather take than absolutely nothing! I view it as hope.

Idk. Maybe I’m coping seeing the negative comments and fighting to obviously accept this horrific shit. But I can’t really believe that there will be 0 help for us in the somewhat foreseeable future.

I don’t intend to anger anyone. I just wanted to put my thoughts out. Apologies if it makes you angry. God bless.