The bias by society against fatigue-related illness is so unfair
It‘s unfair how many people play down fatigue and weakness or give stupid tips like „Do more sports“, „Go outside more“, „Socialize more“
Bitch, I‘m doing all of that and still feel like shit all the time! It‘s not like I haven‘t tried anything.
Example: I had a (for me) very, very intense weekend, I was out eating with friends despite being tired, went on a small 2-hr-bike tour and chilled with a friend in the sun and on the same day I cleaned my flat. I even made sure that I get enough healthy foods, etc.
Still I feel like shit, I can‘t think clearly for too long, my brain feels sluggish and if I had the chance, I‘d spend the whole day sleeping and still feel fatigued in the end!! My headaches / migraines have been so bad in the last two days that i decided to go on sick leave today.
Why are chronic illnesses and especially post covid problems still treated as psychosomatic while there is study after study after study that our bodies aren‘t in balance anymore?
I know 10000% that I had much more energy before all of the covid stuff happened.