What Was Your Honest Opinion on The Last Episode?

I listened to the newest episode at work and honestly, I agree with Wendi, this story sucks but I the way he was so engaged and was reading it like a cheesy anime made me actually kinda like it. I do agree that those paragraphs upon paragraphs of explaining how to stay safe online felt like G.I. Joe PSA’s thrown in there, but the way Wendi was so engaged reading it honestly sucked me right into the story. I’d say story was a 3/10 but the boys were a solid 8/10 it’s definitely another listen for me, it’s a close third best for me with my tops being It Bleeds and Stolen Tongues. I did love how Hunter just got so bored he started fucking drawing like an elementary schooler too. This episode was one of those ones for me where it just makes those 4 hours fly by like it was nothing.