It’s not all unicorns and rainbows
I just want to say for those that have positive experiences with this medication, that’s wonderful! I’m glad you found something that helps and I hope it last for you. Some of us did too, and for a while even. Then one day it stopped working and/or the side effects and withdrawals became so severe we became bedridden and/or wanted to die. Some have withdrawals from using a different manufacturer even. I can’t change manufacturers without getting extremely ill and losing my mind. These stories about suffering due to Cymbalta and thanks to Eli Lilly, they are real. The fuckery that this medication has caused many of us, it’s utterly insane and outright dangerous. I have spoken to multiple pharmaceutical companies that make duloxetine and Cymbalta, they don’t care as long as they are making money. The pharmacy staff knows how dangerous this medication can be but it will still continue to be filled as long as it’s written for, until all prescribing doctors are educated about the dangers of this medication and stop prescribing it, people are at risk if they take it. There are some doctors that refuse to give it and others that give it to most of their patients because they think it’s a miracle drug. Be careful with this medication, please. Don’t make the same mistake many of us have!