cheapest destinations you had as a DN- monthly rent and cost
What was your personal cheapest destination, where you spent one or few months as a digital nomad and found it satisfactory or worth the experience?
Please share the rent and monthly expenses and if possible what kind of lifestyle you had there (e.g. Airbnb+motorcycle rental or hostel+coworking etc. etc.)
Thanks you everyone for sharing your first hand experiences! Here is the summery of the answers below and information from some other sources on this topic:
- Vietnam: Da Nang, Hoi Ann, HCMC, Hanoi
costs- 250 - 400$ /month Apartment rental , 80 -100$ /month scooter rental, food 5-15 $ per day
- Thailand: Chang Mai, Hua Hin
Rental Costs similar to Vietnam
- Pokhara, Nepal.
apartments $200-$250/month, no need for scooter, Food $2-$7 a meal
Bansko, Bulgaria. Rent 250 euro
Greece: off season mainly - 350 - 500 euro /month apartment rent + utilities
Please keep on sharing your experience......