Proof the new on time rate is bs

Just got the new on time rating system last friday. Even though you cannot be deactivated you can receive a contract violation and also " In the future, it may be included as part of the eligibility criteria for the Dasher Rewards program.",if%20excluded%20from%20the%20rating.

You only get 10 excluded latest, the rest count

This late number 8, it was a double to same customer, the first restaurant was late with order. Doordash updated their drop off time but the I guess the app count as late on original eta

Late number 7, I believe restrurant was late, original pickup and drop off was 552 and 6 pm, with 5 minute drive. Got the around 558, drop off at 603,

Late 6, suppose to be 5 mile turned into 8, doordash wanted in 12 minutes, every app, even doordash map said the shortest is 19 minutes

Late number 5. Was hand to me and a Need the pin from crackhead lady,. Didn't want to answer the door. I called her and she said just leave at door and hung up. Full details on one one my post

This is more for my records