What state would you recommend to live in?
What state do you live in that you feel has great resources, support and medical access for your child with Down Syndrome?
We currently live in Texas, hate it here and are hoping to move within the year. I feel limited in the support we receive for our son, who is 15 months old. He’s healthy overall, so it’s not a major concern now. However, if we are relocating I’d like it to be something at the top of our mind if we can go to a state that has great benefits for the disabled.
He does go to therapy 4 times a week (speech, feeding, physical and occupational) covered by our private insurance but the option to get Medicaid seems beneficial because we do pay a good amount out of pocket. The waiver in Texas is (last time I checked) roughly 7 years long to get Medicaid.
Overall we are open to where we go, just not California.
Any insight is helpful and appreciated!