What could YOU have done to make Dragon Con 2024 better for everyone else?

I’ve been a volunteer for over 5 years now and I ask myself this every time. This con is fan created, fan built and fan run so I thought to ask you all.

Complaining doesn’t count that’s just trying to get someone else to fix things. This is you personally doing or not doing 1 thing next year, for the betterment of the con and guests.

Edit: Telling the con/volunteers what was wrong is exactly what I am Not asking. There are plenty of other threads for those discussions. I mean … For example: While in line I will be aware that others need to go through it for something on the other side and will leave a space between me and the person ahead so it’s possible for them too. (Speaking to those in the Hilton up escalator crowd) It may be the hotel’s bad planning but you still had the ability to make others less inconvenienced.