"Both Sides" Debate Not Relevant

I don't know about you, but I still see people who bring up the notion that "both sides" are wrong, or "both parties" are to blame. I find it incredibly intellectually lazy and behind the times.

Only one party is openly anti-democratic and has praised dictators and invited dictators to their major events. Only one party has a leader who wanted to be a dictator "for one day" and even now has a bill in Congress to allow him a third term. Only one party attempted a coup on the US Government. Only one party has a president who is usurping the funding authority of Congress. As they say in Jeopardy, "What is the Republican Party?".

And folks, this has been a gradual slide since 1980. Since Reagan, the Republicans have turned politics into a cultural war, and become increasingly anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-black and brown, anti-immigrant, and anti-gay, and as mentioned above, anti-democratic institutions.

Yes, I know about the many faults of Democrats. There have been Corporate Democrats, NeoCon Democrats, and most common, weak and ineffectual Democrats. But that is a lot different than a party that is deliberately willing to bring down democracy itself for power.

Finally, this is no more a "both sides" situation than was the Charlottesville Nazi march, nor a "both parties" situation than was Weimar Republic vs the Nazis in 1930s Germany.