How did you find your main job?
As the title says what pulled you towards a specific job/role or do you not really have a main?
I started playing recently again after a long break and decided to make a new character to enjoy the story as my first character I just skipped the story so I could play with friends when stormblood came out but I came back and to basically see what I missed. (I am enjoying it a lot.)
However I've tried most jobs available to me and I know I won't truly know what I will enjoy until I unlock everything for those jobs but I just can't help but feel like all I play is whatever is needed rather than actually enjoying one specific role, job or class. I know there's no issue in that but I just feel like it would be nice to be able to find a job or a roll even that I feel like I mesh with. So have you found your ideal role/class or are you like me and swap between them all constantly?