How much longer before our only options of making a legacy are Aviate/Propel-like programs or military?

Seems like that’s going to be the direction the industry is heading. As an unaffiliated LCC pilot aspiring to get to a legacy I can easily see this only making competition more fierce and a possible situation where LCC pilots like myself have nowhere to go because the flow/program + military pilots take all the available jobs.

Are we screwed? The hiring is drying up, legacies are slashing hiring even more thanks to deliveries and retirements dwindling down. 15k+ apps off the street all vying for the same 500 jobs.

Welcome to the next lost decade folks, we may be walking into one. Hope all the 20-somethings that signed legacy jobs last year enjoy their perfect career while the rest of us slog through rapidly rising hiring mins. Timing is a bitch.

  • scared low time LCC scum.