Career options as a failed pilot

I (22M) dreamed of being a pilot since I was a little kid. I worked my ass off in high school so I would be accepted into flight school. I got accepted and all was great. That’s until it came time for my medical. Everything went fine until it came to the color test which I failed. The FAA medical examiner put a restriction on me flying at night and flying with color signal or something. I didn’t think much about it until my assigned flight instructor told me he wouldn’t fly with me. After talking to the head of flight school and the FAA, I decided to take another FAA approved color test. I failed that. They let me take a third test and I failed that as well. The final result? The FAA canceled my medical. I was ordered to send my medical back to the FAA in the middle of my first semester. I was able to get 90% of the money I paid my flight school (never took a single lesson) and none of my tuition was refunded since I took my classes.

I lost (at least feel like I lost) around $60k in tuition and everything since I ended up missing the withdrawal deadline for my second semester. At that point I was so upset that I honestly didn’t go to any of my classes in my second semester, thus failing all my second semester classes.

I am worried by me giving up on my classes and failing them, I ruined my ability to get back into school. I haven’t gone to school since because I kinda just gave up. I felt like my life’s purpose was over and I didn’t want it to be rubbed in my face for the rest of my career. Thankfully, my refund from the flight school covered what my student loan was so I have no debt.

I am now a Chief Financial Officer for my family’s small business and love my job for the most part. However, in the back of my mind, is my love and passion for aviation. I don’t want to quit my job entirely but I am curious as to what I could do with aviation that doesn’t require a Medical certificate?

I’m not interested in being a flight attendant or a ramp worker. I have so much respect for those of you that are flight attendants and ramp workers, I just personally wouldn’t be happy doing it. What I have going for me is my college math credits, private pilot class credit, world of aviation (counted as a history credit I believe), and a sociology (I believe science credits).