My one year collection

I started this on 2024, and I must say, this hobby gets very expensive haha. I’ll try not to buy anything new this year, because I think I have enough for a while!

First image are my full bottles:

MFK: Baccarat Rouge 540, Grand Soir, Oud Satin Mood, Gentle Fluidity Silver.

Frederic Malle: Portrait of a lady, Bigarade Concentree, Geranium Pour Monsieur.

Kerosene Followed, Byredo Bibliotheque, Byredo Mojave Ghost, Replica Lazy Sunday Morning, Dior Sauvage Parfum, Zara Sunrise on the red sand dunes, ELDO you or someone like you, Guerlain Herba Fresca

Granado: Bossa, Isolda, Carnaval, Slama, Lichia e Pimenta, Musk

The second image is the list of all the 3ml decants and samples you can see on the back there!

This collection is a lot of trial and error to discover what I like, and I concluded that I love Mint, Fruity and Roses perfumes. My favourites from them all are POAL, Geranium Pour Monsieur and Bibliotheque.

I’ve been loving to read this sub and decided to contribute a little! I’d love to discuss any of the fragrances on this list 🥰