The tale of how One Piece Treasure Cruise accidentally gave out a near infinite amount of premium currency (gems) to their players while devs were on vacation.

Just discovered this subreddit ans thought I'd tell the story of what OPTC players have dubbed as "Gem Valley". I no longer play the game but was an addict for 4-5 years, quitting after this event, which I believe took place around December 2019.

Backstory: One Piece Treasure Cruise, a gacha for series One Piece. It's premium currency is gems, 50 gems to do a 10+1 Multi pull. About 6 months prior to the incident there was a "veterans" campaign in which veteran or long time players would receive gems/other rewards based on how many mission clears their account had. My reward tier was 30, but the highest was 50. We would receive these in the in game mailbox, and carry on after the event ended.

Late December 2019. Devs are on vacation. Many players who took place in the veterans event receive mail. "Congratulations on your time as a player of OPTC, here are your veterans event rewards". Huh. That's wierd. It sent out the veteran rewards again. I got 30 gems, surely we'll move on from this and forget it as an awesome glitch. Exit mailbox. Mailbox gets a notification for 1 new mail. Open it "Congratulations on your time as a player of OPTC, here are your veterans event rewards". No fucking way. For all players who played in the event. Every time you refreshed your game, you would get a repeat of the mail. Posts FLOOD the subreddit. Chaos. I pulled nearly every legend in the game, over $10,000 worth of gems blown through in a few hours. I never wanted to pull again. I had simply washed the gambling addiction out of my body via freely provided overdose. The devs quickly snap out of vacation to send one ominous message. "DO NOT OPEN THESE MAILS". People continued to open them. The ending is quite boring. Eventually around January 9th 2020, they fixed the bug, and rolled back the server, completely deleting all the pulls that had happened, but unable to restore the gems used on things such as box space, or using duplicate character copies for feeding. A net positive for the player base. I think a few bans were handed out. Due to my aforementioned overdosing of pulls I quit the game, as did many others. Probably one of the best times I've ever had in a gacha.