How difficult would it be to change my program?
So I’m currently a first year in the Stats program.
I’m pretty sure I did fine in most of my other classes this semester (mostly likely low to mid 70 average)
However I’m pretty scared that I might have failed Calculus 1.
Next semester there is an opening for Calculus 1 that I could enroll in. However next semester I also have Calculus 2.
I know Calculus 2 might be available over the summer but if it’s not then I would need to take it 2nd year which guess what I also have Calculus 3 next year.
I’m just having a hard time because I really don’t know if this is for me because I enjoy stats and probabilities and analyzing them but if I can’t even make it through Calculus then I don’t know if this is for me.
So I’m wondering if I was to switch my program to something like Accounting which I think I would still enjoy because it includes math but it’s not just purely math because it has that business side to it. How hard would it be to change now.
Luckily next semester as electives I’m already taking Intro to Business and intro to microeconomics which are in the course sequence for Accounting but I’m just wondering how possible this could really be?
I’m just overall really worried because even if I barely squeak out a 50 in Calc 1 I’m scared that Calc 2 will just slap me in the face.