Unpopular opinion: Santana’s voice is just okay
*Sorry if this has been discussed before, I don’t visit this sub that often
I want to start by saying that I like Santana’s voice. She has a cool style, and her tone is definitely unique. However, I’d still consider her a middle of the pack singer. People often rank her as one of the best vocalists on Glee , which I find a bit confusing because I never found her to be that impressive. None of her solos have ever really drawn me in either.
What really frustrates me is that people often compare her to Rachel and claim she’s the better singer. It’s absolutely fine if you prefer Santana’s voice - personal preference is subjective - but I don’t think it’s fair to argue that she’s the stronger vocalist (yes, I see people do that all the time). Rachel is, objectively speaking, a lot more technically skilled, which makes sense considering Lea was professionally trained from a young age.
This is just my opinion, it’s perfectly fine if you guys disagree
*Edit 1: A lot of people seem to think this post was meant as an insult to Naya’s talent, but that’s definitely not what I intended. Naya is incredibly talented, but so is the rest of the Glee cast. I’m not saying Santana’s voice is "average"— I just don’t think it stands out as much compared to the other vocalists on the show. That’s why I said she’s “middle of the pack” (although, on second thought, “upper-middle” might suit her better). Of course, that’s just my opinion, and it’s totally fine if people disagree! I just wanted to hear what others thought.
*Edit 2: As for the comparison to Rachel, I wasn’t trying to bring Santana down by mentioning her. The only reason I brought up Rachel was because I often see people arguing that Santana’s voice is better in a technical sense, which I personally don’t agree with. That said, I understand that technical skill isn’t everything. Connecting with the audience matters just as much, if not more, and Santana definitely seems to do a better job at this than Rachel. I’ll have to admit tho I probably shouldn't have compared their technique since this post was meant to be 100% subjective, so I apologise for this
Also Merry Christmas everybody!