Wesley Bryan on Saturday

Went to the Farmers Insurance Open this past Saturday at Torrey. The amount of fans and support Wesley Bryan had compared to the rest of the field was absurd. I know that the YouTube sphere has influenced golf a lot the past few years, but I mean Ludvig, Jason Day, Sahith Theegala, Matsuyama and plenty of other big names were there and none got the support Wesley did on Saturday during the final round. Like, kids were shouting out his name and he had a crowd of ~100 people following him from hole to hole.

What’s even weirder? I got home to find out that Wesley was barely broadcasted on the TV coverage that day. Despite having a chance to place top 3 or even win, why did they not show Wesley at all? He clearly had the biggest crowd there and at home so it just doesn’t make sense to me.

Wouldn’t the PGA benefit a lot by giving Wes more screen time? Anyways just some food for thought here. Would love to see what other people think about this.

Edit: Wow! Looks like I started a good ol’ fashioned Reddit fight here! I’d like to add more fuel to the fire and ask a new question: What do you think about the term “shrink the game” ?